
About Us

SonarGenesis.com serves as your go-to portal for all things related to Sonar Genesis, treatment applications, methods of approach and weeds controlled by this excellent aquatic program. With years of superior performance expertise behind us, Sonar Genesis has been shown time and time again to control unwanted weed growth in lakes, pond, rivers, streams and just about all other bodies of water.

Genesis’s exceptional weed control properties and mode of action make it a formidable companion in your fight against growth infestation. All data on this site is for your use and up to date as of the creation of this domain. While we strive to keep this information as current and relative as possible, at times, information may become dated. It is always in your best interest to seek out the latest SDS, label and regulation information on the web.

We bring you this detailed information so that you can use Sonar Genesis for your aquatic weed infestation, and staying on course, resolve your troubled lake or pond conditions and start enjoying your water for a change.

He hope you enjoy this information portal & feel free to contact us at anytime.

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Order Sonar® Genesis Today!


NewTechBio $314.95 + Free Shipping! Order Now

Trophy Pond $330.00 + $30.00 Shipping Order Here

Amazon $453.99 & Free Shipping w/Prime Membership Order Here

PondsRX $354.00 + $25.00 Shipping Order Here

Forestry Distributing $320.74 Including Shipping Order Here

**NOTE: Ebay is no longer included in this pricing comparison due to ongoing fraudulent sales of counterfeit and expired product.